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There are a lot of reasons to like intermittent fasting. There are a host of reported benefits. I’ve tinkered with intermittent fasting myself. In fact, although I have no proof whatsoever, I’m convinced fasting played a role in my rapid recovery from a fractured elbow last year.

Fasting has now reached the mainstream. There’s even a ‘Fast Diet’.  According to more than one of my personal training clients, “everybody in the office is doing it!” Ladies and gentlemen we have a new dietary saviour! Step forward intermittent fasting, your time has come! (Cue enthusiastic applause).

…Or has it? Here’s why you should not be intermittent fasting (or on the Fast Diet):


1. You haven’t mastered the basics

If you haven’t mastered the basics of good nutrition, you are – by default – jumping on the next ‘thing’.  You’re probably the type of person who flip-flops around, never quite getting the results you want.  You get seduced by whatever the latest craze is. Admit it. This time is just happens to be the Fast Diet.

The basics are: eating mindfully. Eating a diet comprised mostly of whole, minimally processed, filling foods.  Eating a dense source of protein at the majority of your meals.  Eating an appropriate amount.  Eating regularly.  Doing this consistently over a long period of time.

2. You’re already stressed

Intermittent fasting is a stress. Like exercise, this can be good or bad. If, however, you are like most people and already stressed, you have no business adding fasting to that stress burden. It will destroy you. Similarly, fasting combined with a lot of intense exercise is not the smartest idea.

3. You’re using it to rationalise overeating

Your mind will find a way to justify anything you want to do. “It’s ok, I’ll just fast later on”, you tell yourself as you stuff your face with your comfort food of choice. No. It will only encourage the restrict-binge cycle, which – take it from me – is not a fun place to be.

4. It doesn’t address your limiting factor

Your limiting factor is the main thing that’s holding you back from your goals. For many people, the biggest challenge is making helpful choices with consistency.  You’re on track for a week or two but then it all falls apart.  So… do you think the Fast Diet will help you become more or less consistent?  Are you prepared to do it all year?  Or for two or five or ten years?  If not, what happens when you stop?

5. You have no idea what you’re doing

The Fast Diet is just one of many different approaches to intermittent fasting.  I love self-experimentation and feel it’s our own responsibility to figure out what works best for us. But if you’re going to try intermittent fasting, you need to at least know what you’re doing and why. Educate yourself a little. I want to know why you’re doing it. …and if you say “I don’t know, just because”, you’re going to upset me a little…


BIG IDEA: Just because fasting is popular and might have some health benefits, does not mean it’s the weight loss saviour you’ve been looking for.

TAKEAWAY: By all means tinker with some self-experimentation, but until you master the fundamentals of nutrition, fasting will likely be just another fad.

ACTION STEP: Ready to master the fundamentals?  Download Fad Free Fat Loss: The exact nutrition guidelines I share with my clients.

Always Keep Reaching!
