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Haven’t you heard?  There’s a new fat loss hero in town.  They call it ‘Shrinking Violet body wrap’.

Shrinking Violet Body Wrap is a revolutionary method to remove unwanted fat.  It works by lipolysis where fat is removed without effort or discomfort.”

…so say all of the websites anyway.

Maybe I have no business adding my voice to the Shrinking Violet chatter.  I’ll be honest, I know next to nothing this method of fat loss.  I haven’t tried it.  I don’t even know anybody who has tried to lose fat with Shrinking Violet.

But I know why you need it…

Why you need Shrinking Violet wrap for fat loss

You need it because:

1. Symptoms vs cause

You’ve been conditioned to address symptoms instead of the cause.  Better to take a drug for that headache/indigestion/high blood pressure than to figure out what’s causing it.  Better to use Shrinking Violet for fat loss than to confront why you’ve got more body fat than you’d like.


2. Victimhood vs responsibility

You see yourself as a victim.  There’s no time, you’ve got bad genes, you’ve ‘tried’ before.  Therefore the answer must lie outside of you.  You’re powerless.  Or so the fat loss industry would have you believe…


3. Solutions vs habits

If it’s outside of you, it must therefore be in the shape of some sort of fat loss solution or diet or gimmick or fad. …Again.


4. Quick fix vs consistency

Even though you’re the first to recognise that time flies anyway, you can’t wait.  You’ve got no patience.  In this world you’re used to having things NOW.


5. Money vs effort

You’ve gone soft.  Easier to talk than to do.  Easier to throw money at something than to throw your being into something.


6. Treatment vs coaching

Accordingly, the solution must be a quick-fix treatment involving something outside of you that requires no effort and addresses only the cause.  You’re a product of your conditioning.  Shrinking Violet makes perfect sense!


7. Fleeting joy vs lasting sense of accomplishment

It might eventually dawn on you that like everything else in your life, the path “without effort or discomfort” brings nothing but fleeting joy and a sense of emptiness.  What you think makes you happy seldom truly satisfies.



If you actually considered the cause of your body fat issue (if there even is one -more likely it’s just a desire to be impossibly perfect thanks to cultural conditioning and media imagery), you might realise that without addressing the cause, the body fat will inevitably return.  Rather than play victim to your story and the excuses you cling to, you might take responsibility.  You might address your habits.  You might choose changes that are sustainable, and do them consistently.

Rather than throwing money at the problem, you might realise that anything worthwhile does require some effort.  Rather than going for a ‘treatment’, you might seek out a coach or a personal trainer.  Someone to guide you, encourage you, empower you.  Someone to show you the way.  Someone to hold you accountable.  And rather than the fleeting joy that comes from a few inches of fat loss without effort or discomfort, you might emerge as a whole new person.  A person who finally conquered their demons.  A person who did what no one – not even themself – thought they could do.


BIG IDEA: Fundamentals > Fads.

TAKEAWAY: Lasting results come from  taking responsibility, addressing the cause, practising consistent habits and expending some effort.  Often with the help of a personal trainer or coach.

ACTION STEP: Download my free report, Fad Free Fat Loss.  It’s the exact nutrition guidelines I share with my 1-1 personal training clients in Aberdeen.


Always Keep Reaching!
