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What are you doing right now?

I’d wager you’re sitting at a computer, for one.  Perhaps you’re having lunch.  Maybe you’re procrastinating on something more important (if there is such a thing!)

There’s one thing everybody is doing.  And has been doing.  And will continue to do.  There’s one thing we all have in common.  What is it?




Right now, we’re all practicing.

Practicing what?  Practicing for what?


What is practice? 

Most of us see practice as two things:

  1. Training.  Learning a specific skill such as a musical instrument or how to drive.
  2. Rehearsal.  Getting ready for a special moment or event.

Because our brains are plastic, they are moulded and changed by how we think and act.  So every time we do something, we reinforce that behaviour in our brain.

Picture an explorer cutting his way through a thick jungle.  There is no path and it’s hard work.  This is how it feels the first time we try something new.  It’s clumsy.  It’s a battle.  And we trip up.

As more and more people follow in the explorer’s footsteps, a path begins to form.  With time and continued use of the path, it becomes wider and wider.  Walking down that path becomes quick and easy.  Our new skill or thought or behaviour begins to feel natural.

Soon we can fit vehicles down the path.  Eventually it becomes a road, then a sprawling motorway.   Our skill is superfast – automatic even.  The jungle offers no more resistance.  We don’t even need to think.


Ecuador Jungle

Trekking through an Ecuadorian jungle in 2012



Practice isn’t limited to special moments or those abilities we want to learn.


Everything is a practice

In truth, everything is a practice.  Everything we do reinforces that pathway in our brain.  Like it or not, you’re always practicing something.

You might not think you’re practicing anything right now.  But if you’re hunched over on that desk with rounded shoulders and a crooked neck, you can bet you’re practicing some crappy posture.  Do that for hours a day and you’ll get pretty good at it.

If you hit the snooze button again this morning, you’ve just reinforced that behaviour.  I know some folks who’ve mastered that one.

If you decided to renege on your exercise habit “just this once”, you’ve just increased the likelihood of doing it again.

If, later, you start with the self-criticism and self-loathing, guess what you just got even better at?


What are you practicing?

Some clients get frustrated at their lack of mobility.  Yet they practice sitting still all day.  Some people complain they’re no good at reading.  It’s slow and retention is poor.  Yet they’ve only read one book.  It’s always slow in the jungle!  Some people want a happier, more fulfilling life.  Yet they practice reciting their story of victimhood.

I’m not saying you cannot afford to take a day off from your best practices.  You can.  But the thoughts and behaviours and actions you repeat daily are what make your life what it is.


So with the greatest of respect, what are you practising?


BIG IDEA: Like it or not, you’re always practicing something.


  1. Everything is a practice.  Everything thought, behaviour and movement.
  2. What you practice regularly – your habits – make your life.
  3. It’s always slow in the jungle.  New habits take more effort in the beginning.

ACTION STEP: Take some time out to identify your best practices.  Practice things that help.  Things that increase the quality of your life.

Always Keep Reaching!
