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I’ll be honest… I feel down sometimes.  In fact, for the last few weeks I feel like I’ve been in a bit of a funk.  It feels like every day is a struggle.  A struggle for the passion and purpose I live my life by.  Apathy has been creeping in.

Little things become irritating.  Innocuous things.  Irrelevant things.  My daily habits and best practices begin to slip.

Other times – most of the time – it’s completely different.  I’m healthy and happy and driven and inspired.

What gives?


Appreciating where I'm at.  Bennachie Hill, Aberdeenshire

Appreciating where I’m at. Bennachie Hill, Aberdeenshire


Good days and bad days

How come sometimes we feel like we can handle anything, then, at other times, the slightest bump seems to knock us to our knees?

How come life seems so hard sometimes?

As tempting as it is just to give up and slip into a slob lifestyle, I know that won’t really make me feel any better.  I also sense that when I get to the end, the heartache of potential unfulfilled – of dreams unlived – will be crushing.  More than anything, I don’t want that regret.  I’d hate that.

“You drown not by falling into a river, but by staying submerged in it.” (Paulo Coelho)

The way I see it, giving up isn’t an option.  I have to find a way out.  I’ve started reflecting.  What’s the difference between those good days and bad days?  Those good weeks and bad weeks?

It’s not that life suddenly becomes easy or hard.  The challenges are always present.  Besides, many times I’ve faced tougher circumstances and hardly broken my stride. 

So what is it?


Inspiration Bank

I’ve begun thinking of my inspiration levels as a bank balance.  Some things in life act like deposits and build up our reserves of inspiration.  They are those things that energise, uplift and inspire us.  Other things are withdrawals: they drain us.

When our inspiration reserves are high, we cope well – even with really testing times.  When our reserves are low, on the other hand, it takes just that one piece of straw to break our back.

The game is, therefore, to make daily deposits into our inspiration bank.  Quite simply, I’ve let my balance get too low.  I’ve stopped appreciating the little things. I’ve been getting impatient, envious.  It’s a vicious cycle: as my inspiration drops, I make more withdrawals and start to view life through a much more negative lens.  I’m in debt.

So it’s back to basics.  Daily deposits.

While I’m sure everyone is different, here is some of what I consider deposits and withdrawals for me.  While not all of them are under my control, many merely require a different thought.


  • Practising gratitude: finding pleasure in the little things
  • Finding perspective (lets be real, my problems aren’t real problems)
  • Movement, time in nature, fresh air
  • A change of environment, a break, a getaway
  • Goal setting, reflection, dreaming
  • Unexpected good news
  • Spending time with great people
  • Motivational videos, books, music
  • Sunshine


  • Impatience
  • Ingratitude
  • Envy
  • Unexpected bad news
  • Sloppy eating habits
  • Too much alcohol
  • Insufficient sleep
  • Monotony
  • Negative self-talk

If you’re worn out, fed up or struggling for inspiration, my suggestion would be to find those things that light you up and engage with them daily – or whenever you can.

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” (Zig Ziglar)


BIG IDEA: Our overall sense of wellbeing and inspiration often determines how we navigate the many challenges in life.

TAKEAWAY: To stay healthy and inspired we need to make regular deposits into our ‘inspiration bank’.

ACTION STEP: Consider your deposits and withdrawals.  What lifts you?  What energises you?  What doesn’t?  Write it down!


Always Keep Reaching!
