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Sometimes I just don’t feel like it.

I don’t feel like writing.  I don’t feel like doing my workout.  I don’t feel like stretching or reading or eating well.  I don’t feel like putting myself out there or taking risks in an attempt to grow my business and serve more people.  Sometimes I think everything would be a whole lot easier if I just gave up and didn’t bother at all.  …Then the torment comes.

For ‘easy’ is a problem.  Easy is seductive.  Easy feels good in the moment.  …and betrays us later on.

Sure, a ‘slob day’ is nice now and then.  I’m a firm believer in the importance of rest and relaxation.  Of taking time out.  I’ll eat pizza, drink beer and skip a workout from time to time.  I try to choose moderation and flexibility over rigidness and rules.  Balance matters.

But the problem with easy is where it takes us.  As appealing as it is to give up on things at times – to stay safe, avoid risk, to be lazy – if I choose easy too often, things get worse.

Easy requires little effort.  As a result, it’s unfulfilling.  Rarely will I ever jump up from a bout of TV-watching and exclaim, “Ahh, that feels better!”  Easy is empty.  Easy breeds complacency.  When I arrived at a beach camp in Colombia, I thought it was paradise and I’d stay there forever.  Within 4 days I was ready to leave.  Without exposure to challenge or struggle, easy makes us fragile.  Easy keeps us small.  Easy makes life hard.  …Ironically, when things get hard, we tend to crave the easy.  Funny that.


Life is a beach

Living in a hut on the beach is easy …for a while.


‘Hard’ is viewed unfavourably.  But hard can be our friend.  Virtues are earned.  You want to be strong, or disciplined, or courageous?  You want to to feel a sense of accomplishment?  You’re going to need situations that require you to practice strength or discipline or courage, or to overcome some obstacle.

My best experiences have required taking a little suffering up front.  Doing the difficult.  Writing my book was a struggle.  My solo backpacking trip required a leap.  Public speaking can be scary and some days my workout sucks!  Sometimes people are impressed and see me as disciplined or courageous.  I’m not.  The truth is, I struggle a lot.  And the lure of the easy is always there.  I’ve merely learned that the path of least resistance is a trap.  Doing hard things makes me feel better.  It helps me to grow.

So…  You want to make a positive change in your life?  Why would you expect it to be easy?


BIG IDEA: Easy feels good in the moment.  …and betrays us in the future.

TAKEAWAY: Virtues are earned.  If you do only what’s easy, life often becomes hard.  If you’re prepared to embrace what’s hard, life becomes easy(ier).

ACTION STEP: Reframe how you think about easy and hard.  Practice delaying gratification.  Embrace challenge!

Always Keep Reaching!
