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Grass seed sunlight

I’ve struggled with binge eating.  And I’m grateful for it.  It’s helped send me down an incredible path of personal and professional growth.  I’ve learned a lot about health, about nutrition, about mindset and behaviour change.  I’ve learned even more about myself.  I’ve grown in perseverance, in patience, in clarity of purpose.  I’m stronger now.  And I’ve learned to let go.  Far from being an apparently robotically disciplined supertrainer like so many of my peers, I get it.

I understand why it’s impossible to have ‘just one’, and why it’s so hard to stop even though all you want to do is be slim/lean/toned.  I’m all too familiar with the dopamine rush when you decide to ‘go for it’: the surge of excitement inevitably followed by heartache when the dust settles and you realise you’ve done it again …again!  I’ve experienced the hopelessness and depression that comes with cyclic self-sabotage.  And yet I’m grateful for it.  I can’t imagine how different I’d think, and how differently I’d treat clients without this experience, this understanding.  I guess I’d be one of the brash ones.

It’s been an incredible education, and while it’s still a journey for me, I’m convinced I’m a better person, and a better coach and personal trainer for it.  If you share a similar struggle, know that you’re not alone.   And know that nothing is all bad.

Always Keep Reaching!

